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  • Pedagogy

The Artist/Pedagogy/Research group was founded as a Specialist Interest Group of SAR. It was established with the aim of looking across the boundaries that separate the different fields of artistic education. It welcomes research focused on different learning environments including academies, universities, and alternative art schools. It asks what it means for artists to teach artists, how different forms of art are taught, how they might be taught, and why they are taught in those ways. The group asks what traditions are important, which innovations are significant, how wider developments in artistic research might influence our teaching, and what we can learn from each other. The group brings together well over 200 researchers from across the globe who are focused on artists’ pedagogies, in its broadest understanding, to encompass music, dance, theatre, performance and art making. This session will offer more information about some of the subgroups that have been formed and the work that they are beginning to undertake.

The Artist/Pedagogy/Research group was founded as a Specialist Interest Group of SAR. It was established with the aim of looking across the boundaries that separate the different fields of artistic education.