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SIGs serve the purpose of lasting in depth peer exchange, activity, and productivity.
Any topic or focus area of special interest in relation to artistic research, its practice, education, and institutionalisation.
Conducting a particular activity, theme or focus area in affiliation with SAR and promoting the activity and its results within the SAR community, thus contributing to the resources for the SAR membership and the artistic research community. New SIGs may be suggested, founded, organised, and moderated by any SAR member (i.e. individual members or employees/students of SAR member institutions).
If you have an idea and are interested in offering an introductory slot on a potential new SIG at the SAR conference or you are already close to founding a SIG, please contact the SAR Executive Board’s SIG action group.
Learn more about the SIGs below and how to join one.
Endorsement of SIGs is handled by the Executive Board on the basis of a short proposal, including names of the group coordinator and of at least three confirmed group members who are also SAR members. The group coordinator is the SIG’s contact and spokesperson and is responsible for SIG moderation. The Executive Board welcomes expressions of interest to establish new SAR Special Interest Groups.
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